About Me

- LeAnn
- I am mundane and magical, Silly and serious. I am an underachiever who suspects that someday in the eternities I may yet blossom and even fruit. I am a collector of spirits and essences, a studier of mood and nuance.I have many many faults and yet I've always been loved. I am a good friend, but I will let you go if you so desire. I believe in Somewhen. I laugh easily and cannot often cry, which I know is a Flaw. Like You, I am a work in progess.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Making broccoli cauliflower cheese soup. Thinking of adding yams to it since I have a whole bag of organic yams. I really couldn't remeber what yams tasted like. I knew I always liked the ones my mom made at Thanksgiving, but those came from a can and were drowned in butter, marshmallow, brown sugar.....I had a huge one outside the bag. I decided that would be lunch. So I cooked it (in the microwave which is probably not optimal health wise and added some butter and a little salt. I was delighted to find it was delicious! And.... the dogs went politely wild. Dudie was as close as he could politely be, with a certain avid lovelight in his eyes. Jetty Lee was sitting straight up looking rapt, doing her Southern Belle thing. " These be FINE vittles" emanating from her. For once PJ was the furthest away but she was equally enthused. I checked to make sure yams are ok for dogs and they are not JUST ok, they are good for them! So.... that's really good and interesting to know! They acted like they were the finest of treats (and Jetty Lee is a picky girl, but I notice she has some healthy tastes. For instance she loves pecans from the back yard, but turns her nose up at doughnuts (which Dude LOVES) and all bready things. Bruce looked at my enormous yam with clear distaste and something of incredulity on his face. Yes I (we) ate it...and YES! We liked it!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Monday, May 27, 2013
hahaha! just invited my "Mancub" to come make Mounds and soup with me.... Apparently he's got a broken heart. I was his first trip away from home when he was 15 years old and he and his mom came back for a visit after that. He's 28 years old now and I would love to see him again. Bruce might not be so happy as he is wishing for as simple and meditative a life as possible.
PJ Harvey jumped onto the bed, and as she does encircled my head with her chunky body and commenced to kissing. There's nothing like this that I've ever experienced. She has such a strong, good vibration! It's liike being told in a very bodily way ' I LOVVVE YOU! I'm gonna make sure your day starts out right! And she succeeds. Every time. I lavished in love for awhile then got up to make sure the trash was out. It wasn't so i took it. Finally swept up the hair from Jetty Lee's scalping, medicated the Dude who is now refusing even chicken. Had to manually put it down his throat and wait through several fake swallows. Then I gave them all warm hot dog. (no accounting for taste) which put me back in Dudie's good graces. I deadheaded the roses, enjoyed the spicy intoxication of jasmine and made a grocery list for my broccoli cauliflower cheese soup, the homemade mounds bars for Bruce (an experiment) pumpkin and zucchini bread. i have most of what i need. I keened at my broke-ness because Bountiful Baskets has 12# of honey in a glass jar for $32 and 16# of bing cherries for $26! I just got 1 organic box. Alas! Those cherries looked SOOOOOO GOOD last week!
Then, it was still early and my knees, especially the left one now hurt like a mf so i went back to bed and listened to Wallace Stegner's "Angle of Repose" for awhile.. I checked my phone when I saw a message and wonder of wonders...a friend asked if i might be interested in a very pt job. I AM. Bruce will be thrilled! More on that later if it comes to be.
I'm watering and looking at the strawberry plants and the blooming pomegranate trees. The birds were out in full force this morning but not so much now. I am mostly hearing water and dog snores. I made myself a pineapple grapefruit and ginger juice and I have to say, the pineapple and ginger really ARE effective for me for pain and to combat inflammation. That just makes me happy! I don;t like taking pills if i can help it.
Don't know what else is in store for the day except the shopping, soup, bread and mounds making. Planning on making tacos tonight for Bruce.
Then, it was still early and my knees, especially the left one now hurt like a mf so i went back to bed and listened to Wallace Stegner's "Angle of Repose" for awhile.. I checked my phone when I saw a message and wonder of wonders...a friend asked if i might be interested in a very pt job. I AM. Bruce will be thrilled! More on that later if it comes to be.
I'm watering and looking at the strawberry plants and the blooming pomegranate trees. The birds were out in full force this morning but not so much now. I am mostly hearing water and dog snores. I made myself a pineapple grapefruit and ginger juice and I have to say, the pineapple and ginger really ARE effective for me for pain and to combat inflammation. That just makes me happy! I don;t like taking pills if i can help it.
Don't know what else is in store for the day except the shopping, soup, bread and mounds making. Planning on making tacos tonight for Bruce.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Got to talk to my friend Jaime today! He tried to give me a very cute kitten, but I told him my own poor cat lives a cloistered life because of Jetty Lee. He got a juicer and is going to try juicing! I am going to send him a recipe book and I am going t send him some zucchini bread (hes not starting the juicing till his grand niece gets home). He loves zucchini bread. I may make pumpkin bread too and I will make broccoli cauliflower cheese soup
I did well on my finals except statistics where i got a C (could not find the formulas that applied to the problems and I was sooooo crispy) that took me from straight A's to A's and a B+. Disappointing but oh well. Next semester I am taking chemistry, CIS (a computer literacy class) History and an Environmental Science class I am taking solely because it interests me. The rest are all goal oriented. I SUCK at being goal oriented. I will miss not having an English class next semester and i will miss not having a physiology class (pathophysiology is my next phys class but it will have to wait for Spring. Last night I dreamed of my physiology (also anatomy) teacher. It was a fun dream and I wish I could remember it better. He was trying to teach me to think on my feet and there were real life tests (the only one i can remember was that i was supposed to find medium blue marbles (has to be from Bruce's marble art). II wish I could remember the dream because it was detailed and relevant but I can't...just the stupid marble part and I came up with little blue Christmas balls!.
This summer I need to study for the Kaplan test to enter the nursing program... Unfortunately there are several 'Kaplan tests" and in my meeting with the nursing advisor (I was SO not impressed) she failed to specify the name of the test in detail. I have to take that test this summer. I hope I choose the right study guide.
On Facebook I just left a slew of links on my 2012 Presidential candidates Facebook page when he asked if (paraphrased) if GMOs have some merit. Having participated yesterday in the March Against Monsanto I have some really strong feelings on the matter. I think of Monsanto as Corpified Evil. But then, I find that I am against the idea of corporations and capitalism all round. Which is rather an inconvenient stance to hold in our society. I wonder how and if i will ever be employed again. Money makes the world go round, they say... and I hate it. Just hate it. meanwhile one has to live. Or not. I can't seem to squelch the or not idea, which I've had since about 20. Nor can I seem to get over the origination of that thought. In fact I still find myself thinking or crying about it which makes me so mad I guess I just live on. Oh well...we all have our baggage.
I aim for happiness. still trying to incorporate juice, fresh fruits and vegetables into my life. Still wondering if I will ever learn to garden. I AM getting good at making fresh soup which pleases me but which often contains ingredients, like cheese, that I am trying to avoid. Though...I'd like to make cheese. from raw milk. But overall I would like to get to organic fruits vegetables and nuts. I find myself becoming increasingly charged about politics, especially as it affects things like food supply, environment, and wild horses. Probably if you are a tar sands pipeline proponent or you think that fracking has any value to the world besides to the corporations that make scads of money not apparently caring about the destruction they leave in their wake, you and I are going to go round. Essentially I think we are living smack dab in the middle of one of the dystopian novels I read as a teen and shivered at the horribleness of. And the screws are tightening.
I am grateful for Bruce, my dogs and my friends and I hope I show them how much they mean to me. Dude's still on Prozac. I don;t think he likes it. Bruce (who didn;t like it when he was taking it) thinks he is doing better on it as far as less licking. He thinks we should be giving Jetty Lee the Prozac as she is the likely source of Dude's agitation. Meanwhile I continue to medicate poor Dude and I know he hates that process.
This summer I need to study for the Kaplan test to enter the nursing program... Unfortunately there are several 'Kaplan tests" and in my meeting with the nursing advisor (I was SO not impressed) she failed to specify the name of the test in detail. I have to take that test this summer. I hope I choose the right study guide.
On Facebook I just left a slew of links on my 2012 Presidential candidates Facebook page when he asked if (paraphrased) if GMOs have some merit. Having participated yesterday in the March Against Monsanto I have some really strong feelings on the matter. I think of Monsanto as Corpified Evil. But then, I find that I am against the idea of corporations and capitalism all round. Which is rather an inconvenient stance to hold in our society. I wonder how and if i will ever be employed again. Money makes the world go round, they say... and I hate it. Just hate it. meanwhile one has to live. Or not. I can't seem to squelch the or not idea, which I've had since about 20. Nor can I seem to get over the origination of that thought. In fact I still find myself thinking or crying about it which makes me so mad I guess I just live on. Oh well...we all have our baggage.
I aim for happiness. still trying to incorporate juice, fresh fruits and vegetables into my life. Still wondering if I will ever learn to garden. I AM getting good at making fresh soup which pleases me but which often contains ingredients, like cheese, that I am trying to avoid. Though...I'd like to make cheese. from raw milk. But overall I would like to get to organic fruits vegetables and nuts. I find myself becoming increasingly charged about politics, especially as it affects things like food supply, environment, and wild horses. Probably if you are a tar sands pipeline proponent or you think that fracking has any value to the world besides to the corporations that make scads of money not apparently caring about the destruction they leave in their wake, you and I are going to go round. Essentially I think we are living smack dab in the middle of one of the dystopian novels I read as a teen and shivered at the horribleness of. And the screws are tightening.
I am grateful for Bruce, my dogs and my friends and I hope I show them how much they mean to me. Dude's still on Prozac. I don;t think he likes it. Bruce (who didn;t like it when he was taking it) thinks he is doing better on it as far as less licking. He thinks we should be giving Jetty Lee the Prozac as she is the likely source of Dude's agitation. Meanwhile I continue to medicate poor Dude and I know he hates that process.
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