About Me

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I am mundane and magical, Silly and serious. I am an underachiever who suspects that someday in the eternities I may yet blossom and even fruit. I am a collector of spirits and essences, a studier of mood and nuance.I have many many faults and yet I've always been loved. I am a good friend, but I will let you go if you so desire. I believe in Somewhen. I laugh easily and cannot often cry, which I know is a Flaw. Like You, I am a work in progess.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Serendipity and "The Ramen Girl"

I am always humbled, amused and impressed by how Spirit works if you (I) am ready for the message. It can, and usually does communicate  to me in the strangest ways!

I had just finished watching What's Eating Gilbert Grape, which I think is a good movie, but not great. I was still a bit restless and thinking about a few things. It was about 9:15 and I thought, well, maybe another movie. I hardly ever watch 2 movies in a night. The Netflix page makes suggestions and my eyes were drawn to the first suggestion offered, a movie called The Ramen Girl. The synopsis sounded a bit, well, bubble gummy, but I thought I was headed for sleep shortly and why not? So I clicked to begin it. I found myself liking it without knowing quite why immediately and I got an inkling that this might be a "spirit to LeAnn" movie when about 20 minutes into it I heard that still small voice whisper that this movie wouldn't really, how can I put it? - do me any good unless I got up and cleaned the bathroom. Right  then. Oh, and take a shower while you're at it, willya?

So, somewhat in perplexity and half thinking I must be bored with this movie if I had to take a break to clean the bathroom, I got up and cleaned the bathroom. I'd left the movie running so when the bathroom and I were all fresh, I thought I'd start the thing over again. So I did. Found I'd missed some of my message that I might have heard even while I was there the first time.

And then I started to laugh when I hit the "Clean" part. That was funny. My inner Observer sent out warm vibes too, in appreciation I think for me having listened before things got that blatant.

I'm wondering if everyone has these types of experiences, where something seems like it was made just for you, that even if someone else came across it , they might experience something very different from what you are experiencing.

I identified pretty strongly with Abby, the Ramen Girl. And I was having some of those strange yet sublime trains of  thought that sometimes go along with the communication of Spirit. I'd try to share a bit that I consciously remember , but I think the telling might seem coarse, and it wasn't at all. For times like those, I remember the scripture, "And Mary kept these things, and pondered them in her heart" which sometimes seems the very best thing you can do.

There were keywords and little nuances of Spirit in this movie that I felt were there just for me. I'm hoping the spirit in the message is filtering deeply into me right now and I think I'll watch the movie again very soon just to see if other good messages present themselves.

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